Hello friends!! For those of you who know me, I get straight to the point. Here it is: I'm afraid of blogging. I constantly fear saying something that may be politically incorrect, uneducated, or insulting to those who may not agree with some of the things I have to say. I know I don't have all the answers, I know I can be, at times, hypocritical, and I am also very aware that I have a big old mouth that never fails to get me into trouble. Oh, and let's be real - my grammar sucks. So for those viewing I ask that you read with a light heart and know I mean no harm. Also, I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions so please feel more than encouraged to comment!
So this will be my outlet where I will be talking about all of the exciting new advancements being made on my upcoming trip, which will potentially include: bursts of excitement, breakdowns and fears, and also anything and everything that I may come across that sparks an interest in my heart so great that I feel obligated to post it here... they may be few and far between.